The 2 Biggest Feedback Traps


Feedback is one of those words that can send shivers down your spine… whether it’s coming your way or it’s for you to deliver.

Here are 2 traps you might be falling into, and how to avoid them.

Trap 1 - Hazy Benefits

Do you know who is really being served here?

Is this serving them? - to help them get a result they want, to build their confidence, to help them develop a new skill.

Is it serving you? - to get something off your chest, to help you feel in control, because you feel obliged by others to give it.

Try this: If you cannot articulate exactly what the value is to the recipient in a way that makes them feel they benefitted, hold off until you can.

Trap 2 - Poor Aim

Poor aim means that you can shoot yourself in the foot or them in the heart!

Feedback must stand up for your rights without stomping on anyone else’s. It therefore needs to address specific behaviours or expressed attitudes and NOT values or personality.

Try this: Ask yourself what they can do with your feedback without adjusting their values and personality.

Just remember…

If your intention is to serve them and you are not aiming at their identity, you can often get away with a less polished delivery.


  • What was the last piece of feedback that floored you?

  • Which of the traps did it fall into?

  • Which of the traps are you more likely to fall into?


I’m on the lookout for in-person speaking opportunities at local (within an hour and a half of Bournemouth) networking or business groups.

If you attend a group that invites speakers and think they’d welcome some Inner Circle style wisdom, please reply to me here or forward this email on.

Thank you!


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