what you can expect

I believe that one size fits absolutely no one. Given the personal nature of this work, interactions can generate interesting and lively debate and sometimes touch on deeper issues that need to be addressed. That means that every workshop and every 121 is different and adapted on the spot if necessary to meet the needs of an individual or a group.

Step 1 - Issues

It is always important to begin with exploring your situation with you as well as the feelings that are attached to it, along with your ideal outcomes, or needs. Having spent 20 years in Human Resources I know how sensitive and overwhelming the subject of working relationships can be, and the impact they can have on you and your team. We can quickly establish if I can help.

Step 2 - Investigation

Once we’re clear on the issues, we need to identify the key players and context in which you are working, both of which may be having an impact on the relationships and interactions.

step 3 – Imagination

Then it’s time to agree how best to serve the needs of these individuals or the group, what to cover and how best to deliver it.

Thoughts from a few of the 40+ attendees

  • It's always good to get some insights on your own persona, and boy did we get some guidance.

  • Excellent session, great facilitation, fascinating insights into individuals and group dynamics

  • It really helped me understand how I can tailor my approach according to the person I'm speaking to.

  • Very useful to help create better connections and ways of working within the team.

  • This session was brilliant. Keeping the vast majority of the session active and participatory worked really well to keep up the engagement and energy of the whole room. The facilitator kept things going at the right pace and added insightful comments throughout.

  • Felt like some form of therapy.

  • At the very least helps me understand me better and how I work and play with others.

  • It was the perfect session because it was insightful but also fun.

People & Culture team Industry: Technology and Communication

Step 4: interaction

The entry point for most teams is through an awareness raising workshop. This workshop is both implementation and ongoing investigation.

It is a type of triage system where the aim is to raise awareness; self awareness for individuals and awareness of the team dynamics.

Using, interactive activities the group can explore the why’s behind the how's of their current communication style and interactions and create better connection and understanding as a team, whilst bringing things to the surface that may need further exploration.

Light, fun and enlightening with room for lively debate, this workshop can be a real eye opener as a stand alone as well as the platform to start a longer and deeper journey of exploration and growth for a team.

I have many years’ experience as an Insights Licenced practitioner successfully using this powerful tool to accelerate awareness building in a group.

This is a British Psychological Society accredited profile which means it has been tested for Validity and Reliability Data.


“It was a lightbulb moment. I had no idea what to expect from an Insights Discovery profile but I came away finally feeling like someone finally “got me”.

Dare I say it, my Insights Discovery profile seemed to know me better than even I did... I haven’t stopped recommending this tool to everyone, for both their work and home lives. I feel so much more self-aware since working alongside Yvonne.

I know my strengths, weaknesses and why some relationships don’t quite feel the right fit and how to appoach these with ease. I feel more connected to others and myself as a result of Yvonne’s work. Just phenomenal. Thank you YG!”

Teshany, Industry: Marketing

Step 5 –Infinite Possibilities

With the first discovery session completed, we now step aboard what I like to refer to as the paternoster of infinite possibilities, where you can get on and off to suit your needs. There is a blend of skill building and deeper exploration and discovery. Sometimes people go on to do individual work, whilst other times I accompany teams on a journey that takes us through a variety of topics over a period of months.

Workshops often touch on the following key relationship topics:

  • Adapting

  • Connection

  • Strengths

  • Boundaries

  • Expectations

  • Culture

  • Identity

  • Trust

  • Conflict

  • Feedback

  • Change

  • Emotions

  • Compassion