Before, during and after


We often think that what we do during our interactions is where the biggest impact will come in our relationship building.

But the quality of the relationships is affected just as much (if not more) by what happens before and after those interactions.

Here’s an example:
Someone in your team isn’t contributing in meetings. Here are some before, during and after ideas for you...


✦ Tell them in advance that you are looking forward to their thoughts.
✦ Ask what they need from you to contribute fully.
✦ Take their input now if they’d rather speak to you about it beforehand.

If you use Discovery profiles...
✦ Ask to review the ‘how I like to be communicated with section’ with them to give you pointers as you’d like their input on the day.


✦ Ask them directly for their thoughts/to expand on what they told you before.
✦ Stop anyone interrupting this person.
✦ Make a point of acknowledging their contribution.

If you use Discovery profiles...
✦ Do what you discussed before to support their input


✦ Go back to them and remind them that you value their input.
✦ Ask them how they thought it went.
✦ Ask them if there is anything more that you can do to support them.

If you use Discovery profiles...
✦ Ask them afterwards to give you feedback on how it worked for them.

Your turn…

If you like the idea but are stuck on something for one of the 3 sections, just get in touch and we can talk it through.


How much time do you spend in each of these stages?

  1. Do you prepare well but lack follow up?

  2. Are you great at follow up but rarely prepare?

  3. Do you live in the moment and skip over the planning and follow up?

  4. Are you all about what is contributed and forget to consider the how and who?

  5. Do you have Discovery profiles in the team and forget to refer to the 'gold dust' contained in the communication pages?


I loved this... it's totally transferable to working relationships.

Make sure you have a minimum of 7 minutes to watch this...

The first 7 are about the power of words... and for another 2 minutes of pure gold stick around for the award acceptance speech. 


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Resources For Relationship Builders