Let’s talk books
I wanted People in Their Element to be as practical as possible, so every chapter ends with a Try This section to help put the messages from that chapter to good use.
So here is your sneak preview of the Try This at the end of Chapter 4: What’s on your mind
For profiling tools to be accredited they need to demonstrate reliability (does it offer consistent results over time) and validity (does it measure what it says it measures). You can apply the same tests to your mental models and decisions.
Example: ‘The best meetings always start and end on time’
▷ Does this apply to all types of meetings?
▷ With anyone?
▷ Regardless of the topic or the purpose?
▷ Even during an emergency?
▷ Is the timing itself the success or are you unwittingly measuring something different, like a manager’s ability to gain agreement to an action or everyone’s commitment to getting out on time and missing the traffic?
There are activities scattered throughout my book, some more practical and some aimed to prompt reflection.
Here is an example of one from Chapter 9: Step 5 - Infinite Possibilities
How certain are you that others fully appreciate how you like to be communicated with:
▷ How sure are you that they know how to disagree with you?
▷ Do they know your preferred attitude to unsolicited advice?
▷ Would they know when support feels like support to you rather than an intrusion?